Falcon 9 models are in 1:100 scale.
Falcon9instructionmanual Manual for DRAGON v1 Capsule and Falcon 1.0
AXMFalcon9v1.1manual Manual for versions 1.1 and 1.2 (Includes Dragon trunk modification)
AXM Falcon 9 First Stage Landing manual – PDFOptim First Stage Landing Manual
AXM_FalconHeavy_manual Applies to all Falcon Heavy
New AXM Falcon9 Octaweb Applies to all Falcon 9 First Stages (new modification)
AXMDragon2PadAbortmanual (Old manual but still helpful to build the CrewDragon)
CrewDragonManual (Applies to both CrewDragon and CargoDragon)
Falcon 9 OrbComm2
Falcon 9 v 1.2 (Full Thrust) Maiden Flight launched on Dec 22, 2015
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Payload: OG2 Mission 2, carrying 11 OG2 satellites
Landing: First Ground pad (Landing Zone 1) landing
1:100 scale model (Fairing updated)
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